Monday, August 13, 2012


God is SO Awesome! My family and I went tubing today in the Delaware River, which took about half of our day.  We basked in warm 80 plus degree temperature, while floating on water.  The skies were blue, and the clouds were high and few.  There were little fish swimming in teams throughout the river that anyone could see, and there was a cool breeze that accompanied the delightful weather.  

I couldn’t help but praise God for His wonderful creation, His love and compassion toward us, and the freedoms that we enjoy here in the United States.  In fact, I remarked to my youngest daughter about the reality of our freedom in this country to do just about anything that we want. 

But that is not the point of this post.  The point of this post is to remind you (the reader) about how majestic God really is.  

Consider the following passages of Scripture: 

Psalm 19:1-4
The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;

    night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
    where their voice is not heard.[a]
Their voice[b] goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world

King David (author of this psalm) expresses a heart-felt praise to the one true God of the universe for His wonderful creation! Nature teaches us about who God is, and how truly powerful He is.  If we will take a few minutes out of our busy day to reflect on the majestic qualities of God, His goodness toward each one of us, and how marvelous His plans are for our lives, there is no way that we can walk about from that meditation and not feel elated, joyful, and full of hope! 

God not only created this universe and made us part of it, but He desires for each of us to be in a personal relationship with Him.  

Remember: GOD WANTS YOU!!!!!!


My family and I are currently enjoying some vacation time. One of the great aspects of any vacation is the opportunity to travel to different places and do different things.  On this past Sunday, my family and I went down to Wildwood, NJ and had a lot of fun riding the water slides at Morey’s Piers. 

After our fun filled slide experience, we left the water park to walk on the boardwalk, grab something to eat, and visit some stores.  One of the stores that we went to sold a lot of apparel and gadgets unique to Wildwood. Aside from those articles, however, was something even more memorable.  The store sells hermit crabs.  I never had a hermit crab growing up as a boy, and never desired to have such a creature as a pet.  I was a typical kid who liked dogs, cats, parakeets, and fish.  But my kids have been asking me for a while to buy them a hermit crab.  Hermit crabs are interesting little creatures.  They are tiny little crabs that crawl into shells for protection.  As they continue to grow, they have to vacate their original shell and  move into a bigger one, and then into another bigger one.  

Today is day two since purchasing this little interesting creature, and we watched him eat his food this morning.  It was fascinating to see how he ate, and how he drinks water from a sponge.  

I remarked to my girls how powerful and awesome God is to create all that He has created.  Think about it, folks! You and I can only make something from something else that already exists. For example, as humans we can build houses from wood, build fireplaces from brick, make glass from sand, and erect skyscrapers from metal.  But ONLY God can create something out of nothing! Before this universe, there was God! 

Consider this passage of Scripture:

Romans 1:20
20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

I encouraged my kids to think about how powerful a being must be to create LIFE! Not only that, but the creation showcases so many fascinating and wonderful creatures (including hermit crabs :). By the way, my kids named their hermit crab “Sherman.” Truth is, we don’t whether this hermit crab is male or female, but we all like the name “Sherman. “