Friday, September 13, 2013

Which Path Do I Take?

Early this morning I received a phone call, and was informed about some news that prompted me to get away for a little while. So I decided to go exercise at a local gym in my neighborhood in order to clear my head.  After I worked out for some time, I took a walk around the neighborhood, and went into a wooded area.  At some point in my journey through the wooded area, I faced a fork in the road, and realized that I could go either right or left.  I took that time to stand in the middle of the pathway while calling out loud to my God.  I thought, reflected about my life; where I have been, and where I would like to go.  I felt confused, at a loss for words, but amazingly clear after considering some things. 

When God closes a door, He opens another door.  When opportunity is lost, another opportunity is gained.  Things started making sense to me.  Interestingly enough, it also made sense to me which pathway through the wooded area that I should take.  I realized where I had parked my car, and so I decided to go left because that was the pathway that would lead me back to my car.

The question comes up frequently during a lifetime: "Which Path Do I Take?" In our lives, we are faced with countless decisions that we must make.  The decisions we make can greatly affect us in either positive or negative ways.  I am mindful of the great Biblical Proverb that says:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct[a] your paths." ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

God desires for each of us to ultimately choose a path that points us in His direction, so that we may draw closer to Him!

Remember ... GOD WANTS YOU!!