Sunday, February 7, 2010

Changing Into Champions

Today is "Super Sunday". It has become somewhat of a National Holiday in the United States of America. For the past 43 years the National Football League has featured Super bowls in which the best two teams of their respective conferences face off against one another to determine who is the "world champion" at this level of professional football.

This year the New Orleans Saints play against the Indianapolis Colts. The Colts have been here before (Super Bowl III against the New York Jets, Super Bowl V against the Dallas Cowboys & Super Bowl XLI against the Chicago Bears), but for the Saints, this is the first time in the franchise's history. Needless to say, as impressive as the Saints have been during the 2009 season, they are the underdogs in this match up.

For many fans, this game symbolizes triumph over tragedy. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina ripped apart the city of New Orleans as the nation watched in horror the devastating effects of the storm. To many locals of New Orleans, the Saints' football team provides hope for the torn city. Even if the Saints lose the Superbowl this year, they have already lifted a city from hopelessness to hopefulness. They won the NFC Championship game and positioned the team where it has never been positioned. They are winners already!

I think of God during these times as He looks at us: where we've been, where we are, and where we can go. As some have articulated in the past, God loves us for who we are, but loves us too much to leave us where we are. Meditate on that truth for a moment: God sees potential of where we can be, and if we will walk in his direction, we can achieve true moral greatness.

David, a little shepherd boy slew the Giant Goliath with a small, flat stone and a sling shot. A young Jewish girl named Hadassah whose name was changed to Esther ascended the throne of Persia as Queen and saved the Jewish people from extermination. Rahab transitioned from a promiscuous prostitute to a woman of faith whose story still moves people to greatness. God loves to lift the underdog to new heights. He loves to do extraordinary things in ordinary people.

Read Hebrews 11 for more marvelous stories of faith. God used ordinary men and women to affect life changing events in history. He Changed them into Champions! He can use you, my friend! Jump on board! And remember ..... GOD WANTS YOU!!!!

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