Thursday, August 5, 2010

HOPE ... A Good 4 Letter Word!

These are tumultuous times in America. Our economy is in a recession, millions are unemployed, we have an illegal immigration problem with escalating tensions on the border states, a growing segment of our society is trying to redefine marriage, we are dealing with the worst man made disaster in US history regarding the Gulf oil spill, we are a nation at war, and there is growing cynicism and anger coming from multiple angles.

But even with all of this negativity, I am filled with HOPE. I believe that the God who made each one of us in His image, has also equipped us with the ability to persevere through difficulty. There has never been a time or place in human history where God's creation was not faced with challenges.

When the ancient world became so sinfully hostile to God, He decided to destroy humankind through a massive flood. God chose Noah, however, to build an ark to escape the flood waters. As a result, eight human beings were saved along with all kinds of animals to repopulate the new world. God promised Canaan to Abraham and his descendants, but they had to trust God enough to enter the land and take it from their enemies. The early church faced persecution after persecution, but continued to grow in number and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world of their day.

Through all of those turbulent times of adversity, God's people triumphed when they trusted in Him. They were neither sheltered nor shielded from problems, but with God's help they overcame formidable obstacles. This same God can empower anyone today who looks to Him for deliverance.

Scriptures says, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in time of trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1


"... If God is for us, who can be against us?" ~ Romans 8:31

Remember ... GOD WANTS YOU!!!!!

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