Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hosanna to Crucify Him?????

People are fickle. One minute they love you and the next minute they hate you. Why? I don't have a good explanation for this phenomena folks. But I tell you this, I thank God that He doesn't operate that way.

The Bible says in multiple places that God is a Rock. That means He's solid, sturdy, and unchanging. As human begins we tend to change about as rapidly as the weather outside changes. We're up, we're down. We're in a good mood, we're in a bad mood. We're trustworthy for a little while, but then we betray God, others, and even ourselves. We're a mess, folks!! We need serious help!

Enter God Himself in the flesh: Jesus. He came because He knew we needed Him. He died so that we could live. Hallelujah!! Praise the LORD!!

Consider Jesus: Charismatic, compassionate, merciful, truthful, powerful, inspiring, and much more. The crowds adored Him, wanted to make Him king and shouted "Hosanna!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." "Blessed is the King of Israel!"~ John 12:13. It all sounded good, but then something very ugly happened. The ones who praised Him now turned on Him. They shouted "Crucify him!" "Crucify him!" ~ John 19:15.

I'm over it, man, if people could do this to the sinless Savior, they could certainly do it to me. Don't be too discouraged when your friends forsake you or flat out reject you. Jesus has been there. He knows how you feel. God loves you. He searches and cares for those who don't even know Him or want to know Him.

This is because .... GOD WANTS YOU!!!!!!!

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