Sunday, January 3, 2016


Seems like we all want to be in Control of something or someone at some point in our lives.  I heard a solid sermon this morning in church service where the preacher discussed this very topic.  He started the sermon by acknowledging that there are some things in our lives that we just CAN'T Control (e.g., the weather).  I could add many other things to that list: other people's attitudes, decisions that world or national leaders make, the economy, etc.

But what can you and I actually control? We CAN Control our own attitudes, how we respond to other people, and the decisions that we make. One of the more convicting points that the minister made this morning was that we need to Control our Tongues! Then he referenced a Bible passage to validate his point.  Scripture Says:

"Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless." (NIV) 

- James 1:26


That is a very convicting passage of Scripture.  And when we think about bad usage of our tongues, we typically think of using fowl language.  But that is only part of the problem.  There's also gossip, slander, lying, negativity, people put downs, and complaining. We all have to do a much better job in these areas if we are really trying to become more Christ like and spiritual in our daily living.

The minister also reminded us to Control our Tempers.  This is another very challenging discipline because sometimes people misuse their tongues at us to arouse our anger at them! But Scripture says:
"He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
    and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city." (MEV)

- Proverbs 16:32

The sooner we begin to focus on the things we CAN control, the better off each one of us will be.


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